1. How much can I get?
The Minimum amount claimed in this Private Administrative Remedy is $75 Million dollars. That's right, you read that correctly. $75 Million Dollars. This will be agreed to by Equifax, Inc's' quiet agreement/ non-response and default. You demand a Jury trial. Watch the video below @ the 2:00 mark on why Equifax, Inc. can't afford a Jury Trial. This is NOT a class action process. This is an Individual process. You and you alone get your claim once you complete the process.
2. How long does this process take?
Estimated time to completion of this process is 45-60 days. Just follow the steps in the procedure and get Equifax, Inc. into default and you WIN!
3. What is Notary Presentment?
Notary presentment is USING a Notary to Mail your documents, track your documents and any response from Equifax, Inc.. The Notary would provide you with a Certificate of Non-Response to prove Equifax, Inc. did NOT respond, thus agreeing to every part of your Remedy!
4. How do I know if I was affected by the data breach?
5. What if they respond?
They will not respond according to the terms of your Private Administrative Remedy, because they have to rebut EACH POINT, not just ONE...ALL POINTS! And they must do it in Affidavit form. They can't do it because it is impossible as they will be admitting fault either by response or non-response. And not one of Eqiufax, Inc employees or officer will swear via Affidavit. CHECKMATE!
6. Are all the forms I need to complete the process on my own included?
Yes. Thi sis a D.I.Y (Do it yourself). All the forms needed to start and complete the process are included in the download zip file.
7. Is this process legal?
Yes. It is 100% legal and lawful.
8. What if they try and settle.
YOU WIN! Either way, if they want to settle or pay you the amount in your claim, YOU WIN!
9. What gives me the right to do this?
Your data was stolen and now sits in the hands of unknown criminals. Equifax does not know who stole your data. You were injured at the time of the breach. You are injured now and you will be injured in the future because no one knows who has your data?
10. What is the Private Administrative Procedure?
The Private Administrative Procedure is a PRIVATE procedure whereby you state claims and require your respondent (Equifax) to respond and rebut those claims in the same form the claims were provided to them in. If they do now rebut/dispute those claims, they quietly agree to those claims. You complete the process of accepting their silence as agreement. Once you have them in default through their quiet agreement YOU WIN AND THEY LOSE.
11. Can I use this for other data breaches that have happened in the past, present and future?
YES! This Private Administrative Procedure is formatted in template form and allows you to customize to any data breach that will render you a victim. Just follow the procedure every time. Do not skip any steps. It is a very simple procedure to follow and complete.
12. How do I get started?
You can get started here GET MY REMEDY.
13. What if they put up a fight and hire high powered Attorneys to defend them against my Private Remedy?
Watch the video below and listen closely to what the Attorney is telling the journalist about Equifax NOT wanting a Jury Trial and the inevitable result of all of this for Equifax. And this Process is PRIVATE so once you get Equifax in default YOU WIN before you ever step foot into any litigation.